• Piket Conventional Fine Seed Planter
The Piket Fine Seed Planter is the preferred planter for planting fine seeds, like:
Lucern, teff, rye-grass, smuts finger (coated), medics or canola on pre-tilled fields. You can also apply seed with fertiliser (granule size).
What makes this planter very unique is it’s ability to plant seed evenly, because the seed box drops the seed onto a plate and the plate spreads the seed very evenly over the whole surface. This is much more accurate than spreading seed. This method ensure no seed lost occurs through wind, and excellent germination reduces any wastage.
The planter has a front roller with the main purpose of breaking up clods and level the field. The back roller consists of a pipe that is covered on its circumference with an angle iron. Most fine seeds needs to be planted in the top layer of the soil. This roller does a perfect job as it presses the seed into the soil and at the same time give it good compaction for easy germination. All the seed germinates at the same time which results in a very even crop growth. The unique design in the spiral roller creates a press and soil shift action, to improve seed to soil contact.
The main reason for the tines on the front; is to lift the tractor treads so that you have a level field. If the tractor makes a deep tread in the soil the seed does not germinate there.
Contact for more info:
Herman: 0823363832
Office: 0834440058
Parts: 0662504022
Wesley: 0832887619

Piket Conventional Fine Seed Planter

  • Availability: 1
  • R0.00

  • Ex Tax: R0.00

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